Brain-Based Strategies – Learning to Learn

It's never too late to learn how to learn.

An important component of the Action Approach is to provide direct skill training based on the latest brain research.  The ability to organize, set goals, plan, sequence, pay attention, memorize, regulate emotion and problem solve are in large part determined by the efficiency of executive skills which involve the frontal lobe area of the brain, among others. 

These critical thinking skills function as the conductor or CEO of the brain and develop more slowly in individuals with ADHD and other neurobiological differences. These executive functions also become less efficient when confronted by stress, sleep deprivation or mood disorders, such as anxiety or depression.  Unfortunately, the individual with weak executive functioning is often perceived as being unmotivated or lazy which negatively affects self-esteem and confidence.

What can weak executive skills look like?

  • Acting without thinking
  • Being overwhelmed by big projects
  • Low frustration tolerance
  • Forgetfulness
  • Messiness
  • Procrastination
  • Unfinished work
  • Losing things

What brain-based teaching strategies can help?

  • Active study skills
  • Mind mapping
  • Reward systems
  • Stress management techniques
  • Mnemonic devices for improved memory
  • Exercise and diet plans
  • Learning style awareness
  • Chunking
  • Self talk scripts
  • Metacognitive or self monitoring exercises
  • Mental rehearsal
  • Time management systems